Finally, the Full and True Story and Science of Covid-19
Myths and Lies Dispelled, Corruption Exposed
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” - Marie Curie
“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” - Albert Camus
It took over four years for all the accurate data to come to light - painfully, piece by piece - but the true origins, facts and science surrounding Covid-19 have been fully exposed. This article provides the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about SARS-CoV-2 and its mRNA products falsely labeled as ‘vaccines’ - and dispels the myths, lies, censorship, corruption and unnecessary fear-mongering that have marked this virus and pandemic.
These lies, censorship, corruption and fear-mongering actually caused MORE illnesses and MORE deaths than the virus itself caused, as will be shown below.
Yet corrupt politicians, government agency officials, doctors, medical boards, global corporations and mainstream news media are still engaging in massive disinformation and censorship campaigns to mislead the world’s population.
Covid was and still is, by far, more of a political and financial operation and weapon than an actual public health threat, as will be shown below.
The good news is that at least half of all people now know much of the truth about Covid-19 and its mRNA products - with more and more people being enlightened daily.
This article is divided into these sections, fully-cited:
Origin of SARS-CoV-2
True Hospitalization and Fatality Rates of Covid-19
Successful Treatments of Covid-19 (not ‘vaccines’)
Failure of Government Countermeasures
Covid-19 mRNA ‘Vaccines’
Censorship and Suppression of Doctors, Scientists and Scientific Data
To keep this article as short as possible, links are given throughout that provide more data and details for each point.
Origin of SARS-CoV-2
SARS-CoV-2 was developed and manufactured through a joint operation between the United States and China. The key players involved include
Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
Dr. Anthony Fauci at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
Wuhan Institute of Virology in China
Dr. Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance
There are other players as well, but those listed above appear to be the major players most responsible.
Covid-19 did NOT spontaneously arise in nature - from bats or any other natural source - as has been falsely reported by Fauci, the W.H.O., news media and by dozens of other corrupt doctors. Covid-19 was manufactured.
Here are several articles and videos that give extensive details about the origins of Covid-19:
Video of Dr. David Martin here
True Hospitalization and Fatality Rates of Covid-19
Over 7 million people worldwide and 1.1 million Americans did NOT die from covid. Millions of people were NOT hospitalized because of covid. These counts have been falsely inflated intentionally to make Covid-19 appear far more dangerous than it actually is.
Every independent and legitimate immunological study shows the overall fatality rate of covid is only 0.1% to 0.2% - with the vast majority of those deaths to people over the age of 75. For people under 60, the fatality rate of covid is under 0.1% - and drops sharply at younger and younger ages.
Covid-19 hospitalization rates were also comparable to previous flu epidemics. The large number of reports in the news media about hospitals overfilled with covid patients were mostly lies. Only a small number of hospitals experienced a burdensome number of covid patients - and those few had this problem only for a short period of time. For over 95% of all hospitals in the world, the percentage of beds filled with patients were no higher in 2020 and 2021 than in any other year - especially during flu seasons.
(As an aside, another truth is that nearly all flu cases were fraudulently labeled as ‘covid.’ Flu cases worldwide miraculously dropped to near-zero during 2020. This drop in flu cases was falsely attributed to ‘masks, lockdowns and distancing.’ Only problem with that nonsensical theory is that covid cases supposedly skyrocketed at the same time - with those same countermeasures in place. Both opposite things can’t happen at the same time using the same ‘countermeasures’ argument.)
The World Health Organization (WHO) told governments to code deaths as covid deaths, even without the virus present.
The U.S. CDC in early 2020 changed their cause-of-death guidelines, telling doctors to list covid as cause of death even without proof of covid infection, even on symptoms alone, even with no testing for covid. Other nations followed these ‘recommendations’ by the WHO and U.S. CDC.
These ‘recommendations’ greatly and falsely exaggerated the number of covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
The article A Falsely Inflated 'Pandemic' provides overwhelming and irrefutable proof that covid-19 hospitalization and death counts are fiction - aided and abetted by the WHO and CDCs in multiple nations.
In addition, covid testing was and still is fraudulent. Case definitions were redefined and falsely inflated, as proven scientifically in the article Covid Testing - The Trillion-Dollar Fraud.
Jessica Rose is a superb researcher, always presenting terrific and valuable information. Her article Why has the PREP act been amended 11 times to accommodate COVID-19? is a must-read.
Successful Treatments of Covid-19
“COVID-19, no matter what variant, is easily treatable at home. About 85% of hospitalizations and deaths are completely avoidable with early treatment. The only way people end up in the hospital and have a miserable time is when they receive no treatment. Anybody with common sense should understand that it’s easy to treat the illness when it’s early and the symptoms are mild. It becomes progressively worse as people progress in the disease.”
- Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. McCullough sums up this treatment truth perfectly and accurately. Thousands of treating physicians agree with Dr. McCullough.
Those thousands of doctors have successfully treated covid - without ventilators, hospitalization and before ‘vaccines’ were rolled out. Most Covid-19 deaths and hospitalizations worldwide WOULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED if these effective treatments weren’t suppressed and falsely discredited to make way for ineffective and deadly drugs and vaccines (as discussed in the ‘Vaccine’ section below).
There are hundreds of studies and reports of successful covid treatments. Yet these successes and treatment protocols have been heavily censored and suppressed. Not only suppressed, but viciously attacked and falsely discredited by government agencies, medical boards, medical journals, Pharma, Fauci, Francis Collins, FDA, CDC, etc.
Doctors weren’t allowed to publicly state - or even deliver in many instances - their successful treatment protocols, under threat of losing their jobs, medical licenses and reputations.
In my mind, the censorship, suppression and discrediting of successful covid treatments are criminal. Such suppression of successful treatments caused hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to get seriously ill or die unnecessarily, when those illnesses and deaths could have been prevented with early treatment.
I consider such medical corruption and criminality to constitute mass assault and murder by everyone involved.
Why has there been so much suppression and censorship of successful early treatments for covid-19? The answer is simple yet chilling: to pave the way for mass vaccinations of the world’s population of 8 billion people.
The report Successful Covid-19 Treatments presents these successful treatment options and reports from treating physicians verifying their effectiveness and safety.
Failure of Government Countermeasures
Countermeasures used by governments and medical agencies to combat Covid-19 included mandatory masks, business and travel restrictions, ‘social distancing’ and lockdowns.
All these measures failed miserably and completely.
Far worse, they actually caused MORE illnesses, MORE deaths and infinitely more economic and family suffering than any virus could have caused.
The article Effectiveness of Covid Countermeasures - Restrictions, Lockdowns and Mandates provides hundreds of studies and data points that prove the above statements.
The article Do Masks Work Against Covid? presents dozens of studies that prove masks are completely useless against covid.
Covid-19 mRNA ‘Vaccines’
Possibly no part of the Covid-19 saga has been more controversial and caused more heated debate than mRNA products falsely marketed as ‘vaccines’ against covid.
First, mRNA products are not true vaccines. They are scientifically and technically ‘gene therapy.’
But most important, these mRNA products have proven unsafe and ineffective - and downright deadly. After 3+ years and 5.7 billion humans receiving one or more of these products, several conclusions have emerged:
mRNA products do NOT prevent infection by covid. Just the opposite, they INCREASE susceptibility to covid - and other viruses as well - by weakening the body’s immune system.
mRNA products do NOT prevent transmission of covid to others.
mRNA products do NOT reduce the severity of covid illnesses or number of hospitalizations due to covid. In fact, severe illnesses and hospitalizations are WORSE because of mRNA injections.
mRNA products do NOT reduce deaths from covid. Just the opposite, in fact.
MORE people under 70 have had serious injuries and illnesses from mRNA products than from covid.
MORE people under 70 have died from mRNA products than from covid.
Tens of millions of children, teens and young adults have been seriously injured, disabled or killed by these mRNA products (while very, very, very few people under the age of 30 suffer any major adverse effects from covid - and NO healthy children have died from covid).
Covid mRNA products have caused millions of miscarriages worldwide, and have caused a serious decline in birth rates.
Serious heart conditions, autoimmune diseases and ‘turbo’ cancers have skyrocketed to levels never seen before, caused by these products.
The fully-cited report The World Jury Has Ruled on Covid 'Vaccines' contains over 1,400 links to hundreds of scientific studies of mRNA products by independent doctors and medical scientists, and thousands of reports from treating physicians who give their observations and findings of mRNA effects - all of which prove the above conclusions.
A second fully-cited report, Irrefutable, Conclusive Proof mRNA Products Are More Deadly Than Covid, gives data from the life insurance industry showing how deadly mRNA products really are.
Censorship and Suppression of Doctors, Scientists and Scientific Data
The entire covid ‘pandemic’ has been a false narrative riddled with disinformation, irrational fear, panic-driven mandates, outright lies, massive corruption, withheld data, suppressed studies and falsely discredited doctors and treatment protocols.
Studies and reports from the world’s leading doctors and medical scientists that go against ‘official’ (and false) narratives have been censored, suppressed and ridiculed by mainstream news and social media - and ignored by scientifically-illiterate or corrupt politicians.
Any doctor or medical scientist who has provided studies and findings that disagree with the politically and financially motivated covid narrative is ridiculed, attacked and censored. Many have lost their jobs and even their medical licenses for the crimes of telling the truth.
Thousands of doctors all over the world have experience censorship and suppression on a massive scale. Their only crimes were publishing or stating their observations, study findings and successful experiences in treating covid patients, and providing truthful information to their patients (Informed Consent).
Two detailed reports - Suppression of Science, Scientists and Doctors and Peer Review Corruption - the Ugly, Dirty Truth - give details of how wide and deep corruption and censorship go within governments, medical agencies and boards, Pharma, medical journals and the news media.
The data and conclusions given in this article are true and proven by overwhelming and irrefutable evidence and scientific studies. It’s time that the majority of people know these truths.
Mass murder!!! Fauci, Bourla, Dazic, Hotez, Walensky, the CDC, FDA, NIH & WHO along with World Leaders, The CIA, etc. are all as morally bankrupt, Evil and Murderous as Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao, Castro, Etc.!!!
These people are responsible for death and destruction on the World War 1 and 2 levels with the death, famine, disease, loss of income, businesses, livelihoods and property, untold misery and destruction of our children’s education and development, lost graduations and sports and civic club participation, etc. These people are monsters and should everyone be tried for Crimes Against Humanity and punished with hanging by a rope until dead!!! I believe as these truths slowly come out and into the main stream of worldwide understanding, history will not look favorably on what was done to us by them!!!
Thank You, excellent article - I too have been following the truth and the Doctors censored, the actual treating physicians and experts in Virology, Epidemiology etc. since the beginning. So many of them have been tenured experts in their field for decades, and were intentionally not asked to come to the table at the beginning of this launch of the fraudulent "pandemic" with their findings and or expertise. It was a planned operation to transfer the wealth of every Nations citizens to the International banking systems, and the investors, and the funding of the fear campaign as well. There is much more to the story of the various special interests and why they created this pandemic and the few smaller ones before it - as a note. The current "Bird Flu" campaign should not be a concern for citizens as this poultry virus does not transfer to humans, unless you are working directly with poultry, and even then it is miniscule. Great writing Keihatsu!