Mass murder!!! Fauci, Bourla, Dazic, Hotez, Walensky, the CDC, FDA, NIH & WHO along with World Leaders, The CIA, etc. are all as morally bankrupt, Evil and Murderous as Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao, Castro, Etc.!!!
These people are responsible for death and destruction on the World War 1 and 2 levels with the death, famine, disease, loss of income, businesses, livelihoods and property, untold misery and destruction of our children’s education and development, lost graduations and sports and civic club participation, etc. These people are monsters and should everyone be tried for Crimes Against Humanity and punished with hanging by a rope until dead!!! I believe as these truths slowly come out and into the main stream of worldwide understanding, history will not look favorably on what was done to us by them!!!
Thank You, excellent article - I too have been following the truth and the Doctors censored, the actual treating physicians and experts in Virology, Epidemiology etc. since the beginning. So many of them have been tenured experts in their field for decades, and were intentionally not asked to come to the table at the beginning of this launch of the fraudulent "pandemic" with their findings and or expertise. It was a planned operation to transfer the wealth of every Nations citizens to the International banking systems, and the investors, and the funding of the fear campaign as well. There is much more to the story of the various special interests and why they created this pandemic and the few smaller ones before it - as a note. The current "Bird Flu" campaign should not be a concern for citizens as this poultry virus does not transfer to humans, unless you are working directly with poultry, and even then it is miniscule. Great writing Keihatsu!
And you're right about bird flu. This virus is being falsely inflated to reduce supplies of chickens, eggs and cows, creating meat shortages deliberately.
Can I please get answers to following questions: Was the virus let out intentionally? If yes, why? Was the 'vaccine' given intentionally to reduce the population or did they just wanted to make money and did not care for side effects? And if you call it gene therapy, what does it change and why did they wanted to change the genes? Did you take the vaccine? And if so, do you have side effects? Thank you!
1) I don't now if the virus was leaked intentionally or accidentally. But it was definitely manufactured in labs.
2) Again, I don't know if these fraudulent vaccines were designed to create adverse effects and deaths, or if those are by-products of poor, criminally-shortcut clinical testing.
3) I believe that mRNA research was initially done with good intentions. At some point, that research was hijacked for purely profit purposes.
4) No, I haven't had any of these vaccines. Many of my friends and family who had these shots had serious adverse effects and harm.
Thank you so much for replying. Then following questions: What adverse effect did they have and do you know also of people who took the shots and had no adverse effects? I want to have some hope. I took the shots and my mother too. Thank you very very much and your article is so important and necessary!
It is really scary, those numbers are scary! But I did hear also of and I think it was in your article too about Turbo boosting cancer and this is something that might come later down the line, we cannot know yet ;( - Fingers crossed and again thank you so much for your information!
I've seen several studies that indicate ivermectin is effective against many cancers if used early. You might want to research this if you're concerned about cancer, especially since cancer could develop a few years down the line because of these mRNA products.
Thank you very much for the tip!! There were also those scary predictions of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche that said that the Covid Jabs are destroying our immune system. What is your take on that? And even worse was the prediction of this doctor Zev Zelenko that said 75% of people that took the vaccine will die of it. What do you say?
Mass murder!!! Fauci, Bourla, Dazic, Hotez, Walensky, the CDC, FDA, NIH & WHO along with World Leaders, The CIA, etc. are all as morally bankrupt, Evil and Murderous as Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao, Castro, Etc.!!!
These people are responsible for death and destruction on the World War 1 and 2 levels with the death, famine, disease, loss of income, businesses, livelihoods and property, untold misery and destruction of our children’s education and development, lost graduations and sports and civic club participation, etc. These people are monsters and should everyone be tried for Crimes Against Humanity and punished with hanging by a rope until dead!!! I believe as these truths slowly come out and into the main stream of worldwide understanding, history will not look favorably on what was done to us by them!!!
I agree 💯💯💯
I agree 💯
Thank You, excellent article - I too have been following the truth and the Doctors censored, the actual treating physicians and experts in Virology, Epidemiology etc. since the beginning. So many of them have been tenured experts in their field for decades, and were intentionally not asked to come to the table at the beginning of this launch of the fraudulent "pandemic" with their findings and or expertise. It was a planned operation to transfer the wealth of every Nations citizens to the International banking systems, and the investors, and the funding of the fear campaign as well. There is much more to the story of the various special interests and why they created this pandemic and the few smaller ones before it - as a note. The current "Bird Flu" campaign should not be a concern for citizens as this poultry virus does not transfer to humans, unless you are working directly with poultry, and even then it is miniscule. Great writing Keihatsu!
All your points are right on target.
And you're right about bird flu. This virus is being falsely inflated to reduce supplies of chickens, eggs and cows, creating meat shortages deliberately.
Can I please get answers to following questions: Was the virus let out intentionally? If yes, why? Was the 'vaccine' given intentionally to reduce the population or did they just wanted to make money and did not care for side effects? And if you call it gene therapy, what does it change and why did they wanted to change the genes? Did you take the vaccine? And if so, do you have side effects? Thank you!
1) I don't now if the virus was leaked intentionally or accidentally. But it was definitely manufactured in labs.
2) Again, I don't know if these fraudulent vaccines were designed to create adverse effects and deaths, or if those are by-products of poor, criminally-shortcut clinical testing.
3) I believe that mRNA research was initially done with good intentions. At some point, that research was hijacked for purely profit purposes.
4) No, I haven't had any of these vaccines. Many of my friends and family who had these shots had serious adverse effects and harm.
Thank you so much for replying. Then following questions: What adverse effect did they have and do you know also of people who took the shots and had no adverse effects? I want to have some hope. I took the shots and my mother too. Thank you very very much and your article is so important and necessary!
The majority of people who took these shots have no adverse effects. That's the good news. So the odds are in your and your mother's favor.
15% of vaxxed people experience serious harm or death from these products. That's the bad news. That percentage is unheard of.
5.8 billion people took these shots, so that's a LOT of harm and death.
mRNA products have already killed 10X more people than covid killed, and caused 20X more harm.
If you or your mom haven't experienced any adverse effects by now, changes are good you're in the clear.
It is really scary, those numbers are scary! But I did hear also of and I think it was in your article too about Turbo boosting cancer and this is something that might come later down the line, we cannot know yet ;( - Fingers crossed and again thank you so much for your information!
You're welcome.
I've seen several studies that indicate ivermectin is effective against many cancers if used early. You might want to research this if you're concerned about cancer, especially since cancer could develop a few years down the line because of these mRNA products.
Thank you very much for the tip!! There were also those scary predictions of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche that said that the Covid Jabs are destroying our immune system. What is your take on that? And even worse was the prediction of this doctor Zev Zelenko that said 75% of people that took the vaccine will die of it. What do you say?