Covid Testing - The Trillion-Dollar Fraud
Case Definitions Were Redefined and Falsely Inflated
The entire covid narrative is based entirely and only on fear - fear of getting severely ill or dying, and fear of spreading the virus to others.
Dr. Mark McDonald, board-certified psychiatrist: “Americans are suffering from mass insanity due to their delusional fear of COVID-19.”
It isn’t just Americans; it’s the majority of people on this planet. Approximately 2/3 of the world’s population were in such fear of covid, they would do anything to ‘stay safe.’
Those fears were manufactured and magnified by falsely inflating the numbers of people hospitalized or killed by covid.
Nearly 7 million people worldwide did NOT die from covid. And 1.1 million Americans did NOT die from covid. The true numbers were only 30-35% of ‘official counts.’ And the vast majority of deaths were to people over the age of 70.
Millions of people were NOT hospitalized for covid. Very, very few hospitals were overrun because of covid patients. In fact, for over 95% of hospitals in the world, the percentages of beds occupied in 2020 were no higher or even less than prior years of heavy flu epidemics.
This report provides conclusive and overwhelming proof that covid hospitalization and death numbers were greatly exaggerated.
The manufactured fear caused the vast majority of people to comply - without question - with all government restrictions, mandates and lockdowns - no matter how illogical, irrational and destructive those are.
Covid has been presented as one of the deadliest viruses in history. As shown in the link above, it is deadly mostly to those over 75 with co-morbidities. For all others, covid is no worse than a bad flu.
The second aspect of covid that fuels the fear and keeps the falsely inflated and never-ending narrative in play, is TESTING.
Testing leads to cases.
In most people’s minds, CASES = ILLNESS and DEATH. And TESTING uncovers CASES which lead to ILLNESS and DEATH.
So TESTING is actually the key to the entire pandemic being kept ‘alive’ and not allowed to end.
However, there are two enormous flaws in the logic equation “TESTING uncovers CASES which lead to ILLNESSES and DEATHS.” Let’s find out what the true science is regarding testing and cases.
The first thing to do is define ‘case.’
From the World Book Dictionary, a CASE is defined as
an instance of disease or injury; a person being treated by a doctor; a patient, which is defined as a sick individual especially when awaiting or under the care and treatment of a physician or surgeon.
These definitions have been the medical industry meaning of the word case for centuries. Right in these definitions is the idea of illness or injury, some sort of medical condition that requires treatment.
For an individual to be a case, he or she must be sick with something or injured in some way. If a person isn’t sick with cancer, he or she isn’t a cancer case. If a person doesn’t have the symptoms of a flu, he or she isn’t a flu case.
Even Dr. Fauci confirmed this in October 2020:
“In all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has NEVER been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is ALWAYS a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit [the virus], an epidemic is not driven by an asymptomatic carrier.” - Dr. Anthony Fauci
All infectious disease doctors echo this same well-established medical fact. Here are just a few representative statements:
“Asymptomatic spread is virtually non-existent, and if this does occur, it is less than 1%. It is very rare. Spread of pathogen will occur more surely when the persons are ill/sick with symptoms, especially if the symptoms function to expel the pathogen into the surrounding air. Having no symptoms or very mild symptoms reduces risk of spread and with no symptoms, spread is basically removed. If you have and had no symptoms, you do not transmit. This means that all of the asymptomatic testing was never ever needed. None of it was ever needed and we used the flawed PCR test with the near 95% false positives. You do not mass test asymptomatic persons, you only test ‘symptomatic’ persons with strong clinical suspicion.” - Dr. Paul Alexander, Epidemiologst
“A respiratory virus needs associated symptoms in order to be clinically relevant. One year ago, this belief would have been universally accepted by the wider medical community. … Infectiousness or transmission of a virus requires active infection resulting in high levels of viral replication and shedding. Symptoms, such as coughing, are the real drivers of spread.” - Dr. John Lee
“So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections - not asymptomatic people.” - Over 45,000 medical doctors and scientists from the World Doctor Alliance in an open letter to governments
“Do asymptomatic people and children spread covid? It is complete nonsense. It’s never been shown. It’s a claim that has been spread as a fact. And this, I consider, is criminal. The idea of an asymptomatic carrier spreading covid-19 is untrue, and is backed by zero data. There isn’t a single case in the world documented.” - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
“One of the biggest lies we are being told at the moment is asymptomatic spread. Everybody is terrified of their fellow man. They’re scared to hug Granny. They are lying. The reality is, people who spread infections have symptoms. You HAVE to be symptomatic in order to spread a respiratory infection. Time to speak the truth.” - Dr. Zac Cox
“People need to stop being scared of healthy people - people who are not displaying signs and symptoms of infectious disease. I would really urge people to get back in touch with their common sense, to get back in touch with their sense of humanity.” - Dr. Anna Forbes
“There are no data supporting asymptomatic spread. Healthy people cannot transmit a virus to someone else. Only sick people can. Kids can play as they used to and embrace their grandparents. They are no danger to them. Quarantine is only for sick people. Healthy people can resume their lives. We have been lied to.” - Dr. Johan Denis
“Have you ever sought medical help because you felt just fine? Have you ever avoided perfectly healthy people for fear of illness transmission? If not, why would you change this very rational behavior now? The only real virus is fear, and it has been very effectively weaponized against us. The only real answer is truth.” - Dr. Barre Lando
The definition of a case has been completely twisted for covid. Now, for covid, a case no longer means actually sick with the virus. It means an individual who tests positive in some way is then AND FOREVER labeled as a covid case.
Take the flu as an analogy. Every single individual on this planet carries flu viruses in their bodies. If we were tested for the flu using the same test as for covid, each and every one of the 8 Billion people would test positive for the flu. Using the covid definition, all 8 Billion people would be considered flu cases.
But this is false. The industry-standard medical definition of a case must include an actual illness or injury - as the doctors quoted above have stated.
If you don’t have any flu symptoms, you are not a flu case - EVEN THOUGH YOU CARRY FLU VIRUSES. Just because every individual carries flu viruses, doesn’t make all of them flu cases. A true flu case is an individual who is actually sick with the flu - whether it’s mild, medium or severe.
Yet this same established, standard medical industry definition of case - that has been accepted for hundreds or thousands of years - has been thrown out the window for covid. Now, simply having even the tiniest amount of SARS-related antibody - or even a false positive as will be discussed below - makes one a covid case. This is fraudulent, just as fraudulent as labeling someone without a flu illness as a flu case.
90% or more of people with covid don’t even know they have it. They are asymptomatic. They are NOT SICK. Yet they are called a covid case if they have even the tiniest amount of related antibodies in their system.
So this is the first of the two enormous flaws in the logic equation “TESTING uncovers CASES which lead to ILLNESSES and DEATHS” - the false definition of case when applied to covid.
If people are asymptomatic, they also can’t transmit covid to others - as stated above by Dr. Fauci and others. A person who doesn’t have any cold or flu symptoms and isn’t actually sick, cannot spread a cold or flu to others. The key point here is to understand that 90% or more of people who test positive for covid are NOT covid cases - even though they might be counted and considered as a case.
We also hear the word infections being used interchangeably with cases. Infections sounds so much scarier than cases, and implies people are actually sick. This is false, as an individual isn’t necessarily sick if they carry the virus. Yet the word infection is used to imply illness and keep the fear going. We hear such phrases as “infections are surging.” This is a misleading phrase.
This brings us to the second enormous flaw - testing itself. The test that has been used to “identify” covid is called the Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test, or PCR test for short. This test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detect the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group based at Charité University Hospital in Berlin. And here the plot thickens.
Hundreds of doctors and medical scientists have studied the PCR test methodology. Every such study has concluded the PCR test itself - as well as the method used by labs to run it - is deeply flawed. So flawed that over the past 3-1/2 years, the PCR test has yielded 50-97% false positives. More on this below.
The PCR tests relied on by governments all round the world for detecting the covid-19 virus are not fit for purpose. This test was invented by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary Mullis, who emphatically stated they WERE NOT to be used for medical diagnostic testing.
Dr. Mullis stated, “These PCR tests cannot detect infectious free viruses at all. Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick.”
So the majority of covid “cases” are falsely inflated. As are the number of covid deaths based on this test as well as the re-definition of cause of death as presented in Part 2 of this series.
Here is Dr. Mullis himself:
Here is a video of Dr. Tom Cowan mirroring and explaining Dr. Mullis’s statements about the inaccuracies of the PCR test.
“I’m skeptical that a PCR test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine.” - Dr. David Rasnick, biochemist and protease developer.
“All we’re doing is generating false positives, creating extra cases, and creating extra concerns. The FDA never approved these tests for asymptomatic testing. The WHO as of June 25th has said ‘no asymptomatic testing.’” - Dr. Peter McCullough
The PCR test DOES NOT detect viruses, it simply picks up fragments of DNA and RNA which may well be remnants of a common cold someone had weeks or months earlier. So ‘testing positive’ doesn’t even mean someone has covid. And testing positive doesn’t mean a covid case. If a person is asymptomatic, that person is definitely NOT a covid case - even though he or she is counted as one.
As soon as the WHO adopted the PCR test for covid worldwide, scientists and doctors tested the test. It was immediately evident that the PCR test was ineffective - just as Dr. Mullis warned.
One of the first studies on the PCR test is entitled External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-Cov-2 Reveals 10 Major Flaws At The Molecular and Methodological Level: Consequences For False-Positive Results. Here is an article on that study and the study itself:
Here is a quote from one of the authors, Dr. Kevin Corbett:
“Every scientific rationale for the development of that test has been totally destroyed by this paper. It’s like Hiroshima/Nagasaki to the Covid test. When Drosten developed the test, China hadn’t given them a viral isolate. They developed the test from a sequence in a gene bank. Do you see? China gave them a genetic sequence with no corresponding viral isolate. They had a code, but no body for the code. No viral morphology.”
The PCR test is what keeps all the covid fear and paranoia in place. Study after study after study has since proven conclusively that the PCR test is inappropriate for covid, and yields 50-97% false positives.
According to Drs. Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, Clare Craig, and others:
“If someone is tested by PCR as positive when a [amplification] threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”
“The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society. It is time for everyone to come out of this negative trance, this collective hysteria, because famine, poverty, massive unemployment will kill, mow down many more people than SARS-CoV-2!” - Dr. Pascal Sacré
Thousands of doctors and medical scientists have denounced the PCR test as not only worthless for covid, but dangerous in itself as it creates too much fear and bad decisions from all the false positives. Even the WHO and US CDC have reported the test is flawed.
“As of January 1, 2022, the CDC in a request to the FDA withdraws its endorsement of the RT-PCR test. The CDC acknowledges that the PCR test does not effectively differentiate between Covid-19 and Seasonal Influenza. Amply documented and analyzed by numerous scientists, the RT-PCR test does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2 and its variants.” - Prof Michel Chossudovsky
“In 2022 a US Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician blew the whistle about the flaws in the covid-19 PCR tests.
“He spoke of the high false positive rate resulting from running the test at high cycle thresholds mandated by the CDC. Furthermore, the PCR test cannot identify any specific pathogen as it is only testing for a part of a genetic sequence and not the whole genome of, for example, a virus.
“These manipulated tests resulted in an inflated number of covid-19 cases and many deaths were labelled as died ‘with’ covid as a result of these tests regardless of the actual cause of death. The entire ‘pandemic’ was based on these false positive tests.
“In addition, even the CDC and Food and Drug Administration’s (“FDA’s”) own documentation clearly states that the PCR test cannot actually differentiate between covid and other bacteria and/or viruses.”
There is a deadly consequence of false positives for covid
Dr. Anthony Fauci confirmed that the PCR test results are worthless if the test is run at too many amplification cycles. PCR tests run above 30 cycles are unreliable, and give up to 50% false positives. Above 35 cycles, and the the results are meaningless, with false positives 90-97%.
Most labs ran the PCR test at 35-40 cycles - rendering all results worthless, with over 90$ false positives.
Here is Dr. Fauci addressing this:
This article contains the videos of Dr. Mullis and Dr. Fauci, as well as additional data about the unreliability of the PCR test.
“The WHO Confirms That the Covid-19 PCR Test Is Flawed: Estimates of ‘Positive Cases’ Are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis” - Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
“The Death Knell For Relying on the PCR Test for Covid Statistics. Forget most of what the media has been propagandizing us with for the past 18 months. Three Documented Articles About the Deeply Flawed PCR Test Which Has Grossly – and Deceptively – Over-stated the Incidence – As Well as the Mortality – of Covid-19 in America.” - Dr. Gary G. Kohls
“The data on COVID hospitalizations and deaths in the US are exaggerated by a government subsidization scheme that incentivizes the improper use of tests in people without particular risk of the disease.” - Dr. John Hunt
“More Than Half of Positive PCR Tests Unlikely To Have Been Infectious” – Journal of Infection."
“Your Coronavirus PCR Test is Positive – You Still Might Not Have Covid-19. Exposing Unwelcome Truths About the Deep Flaws of PCR Testing.” - Dr. Gary G. Kohls
And yet... the shots are still promoted by big harma, doctors and pharmacists, the tell-a-lie -vision (I see or hear their commercials daily) and our governments and they encourage people to get tested and quarantine if positive!!! I have also been telling everyone everything in this article for the last 3.5 years and some still just refuse to believe me and instead choose to wear masks and live in fear of this last/current scamdemic or the next one!!! I believe our world is so uneducated when it comes to medical and scientific issues and have been so utterly duped by this DOD level Psyop Scamdemic that it may take us 10 to 20 years to get over their fear porn brainwashing they hit us with!!! Thanks for posting this as I can use this pertinent info contained all in one article to further try and free the minds of some of the sleeping masses!!!