Mar 10Liked by Keihatsu

Excellent info. I especially appreciate the part about "pollution vs. climate change" because it is differentiating the two. I hate seeing how the public has been manipulated by twisting them together, appealing to our sense of common good. The same thing was done during Covid with "Wear a mask, save an elderly person's life". So with climate change, its "buy an EV and save the children".

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I agree with you. That differentiation is important for people to grasp.

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Excellent article, very well assembled. I’d also point out that CO2 has minimal impact to warming beyond 100 ppm. CO2 also overlaps almost entirely with water vapor, which is much more abundant in the atmosphere.

A couple of interesting links:



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Thanks for the compliment. And thanks for these links, I'll add them to the article.

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I'm right with you that the "climate change" fear mongering is just that — complete bullshit designed to help the parasitic scum of the world take complete control of food and energy. Maybe I missed it, and sorry if I did, but would it be too much trouble to request the sources for the graphs at the beginning? Especially that first one.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Author

I should have been more alert to noting the sources of all the graphs. Some of the graphs have their source listed, in very small print at the bottom of the graphs. I have to dig up the sources for the others.

All the graphs came from studies conducted by various climate scientists. As soon as I locate all the exact studies, I'll let you know.

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No worries and thanks very much.

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Mar 10Liked by Keihatsu

This is an excellent article about climate change and how real it is. I'll be sharing. Very well done!!

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Thanks as always, Liz.

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Mar 10Liked by Keihatsu

You're welcome! I love your articles because they're my favorite need-to-know truths, well written and with experitise.

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I appreciate that 😎

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