There have been many, many naturally-occurring epidemics and pandemics throughout human history. The bubonic plague (Black Death) is the worst naturally-occurring disease in recorded history as measured by fatality and illness rates. (Ebola has variants with even greater fatality rates, but the most deadly strains of Ebola are manufactured in labs, not occurring naturally.)
Over the past 60+ years, enormous amounts of attention, research, manpower and money by several nations have been devoted to developing bioweapons - even though treaties exist to prevent such research and development.
“The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) effectively prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.”
- UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (in force on March 26, 1975, eventually signed by 109 nations)
This is just one of several similar treaties and agreements, all of which have failed to accomplish their missions of preventing biological and chemical warfare research and development. All such treaties have been ignored, rendering them meaningless.
‘Gain of function research’ was brought to the surface and awareness of the general public with the emergence of covid-19.
“For those unfamiliar with gain-of-function research, it essentially means juicing up naturally occurring animal viruses in a lab to make them more infectious among humans.”
- U.S. Senator Rand Paul
“Gain-of-function research (GoF research or GoFR) is medical research that genetically alters an organism in a way that may enhance the biological functions of gene products. This may include an altered pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range, i.e., the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect. This research is intended to reveal targets to better predict emerging infectious diseases and to develop vaccines and therapeutics. For example, influenza B can infect only humans and harbor seals. Introducing a mutation that would allow influenza B to infect rabbits in a controlled laboratory situation would be considered a gain-of-function experiment, as the virus did not previously have that function. That type of experiment could then help reveal which parts of the virus's genome correspond to the species that it can infect, enabling the creation of antiviral medicines which block this function.”
- Wikipedia
Senator Paul’s layman’s definition is succinct and right on target. It strikes the key point of gain of function research and development.
Gain of function research - even though technically violating anti-bioweapon treaties - is often done and justified as ‘vaccine’ research. But this is a chicken-or-egg proposition: vaccines are being researched and developed for hundreds of strains and variants of diseases and viruses that are being developed through gain of function research.
This circular ‘logic’ has resulted in a global free-for-all from the standpoints of diseases, pandemics and bioweapons.
In addition to ‘vaccine research,’ gain of function research is also justified as '“defending against bioweapons developed by others.” While having some validity, this argument justifies more offensive development of bioweapons than defensive measures.
(As an aside, the entire vaccine industry is just that - an immensely profitable industry that pumps out vaccines like candy. The popular myth is that vaccines are necessary and have eradicated many diseases. This is false, as shown conclusively in these two fully-cited reports: Vaccine Effectiveness and Safety and Children, Health, Illness and Vaccines.)
Just as vaccines became a cash machine for the pharmaceutical industry, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, U.S. CDC and related agencies around the world, so have pandemics become a financial and political industry.
“Pandemics: A Business Opportunity”
“Imagine an infallible, risk-free business scheme in which you get to create the market, decide the product, manage its regulation, then have the power to confine people to their homes or remove their income until they submit to buying it. And no one can sue you or take you to court if it all goes wrong.
Your organization will be a public-private partnership, so using taxpayer money but guided by the private sector.
You spin a story that a series of plagues are about to engulf humanity, exponentially increasing in frequency and severity (your partners own the media, so don’t be troubled by reality).
Governments have agreed ahead of time to give you power to control healthcare policy when you decide these variants pose a threat (not harm, just a threat). They have agreed that this includes border closures, restrictions on daily life of their citizens, and of course mandated vaccination (in return for them ‘getting freedom back’).
Then transfer these virus variants to laboratories and pharmaceutical companies of your choice (your friends and supporters, who will in return give your organization some money).
The pharmaceutical companies are ready: They have been receiving free billions from taxpayers annually under the same scheme, to keep their production lines ready to profit from the market you are about to create.
“. . . How Will the New Outbreak Business be Developed?”
- Dr. David Bell
“Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex Rolled Out COVID-19, Monkeypox, Bird Flu in Rapid Succession
“We define a working syndicate called a Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that is running the table on the creation, declaration, and management of pandemics which is an extraordinarily profitable business plan for those in the countermeasure business (personal protective equipment, testing, therapeutics, vaccines).
“Of these, the prize appears to be mass vaccination. A counter-measure that is high-tech and every person in the world conceivably must take the product. The profits of these shots sold to governments dwarf all other pharmaceuticals which must be developed, approved, and marketed to physicians and the public.”
“It goes back to 2005 with the PREP Act written by HHS and Congress, which said there will be pandemics, one after another, and that’s exactly what’s happened. Every single one of these outbreaks looks like it’s gain of function research - human agency was involved in the creation of these pathogens, getting people sick, and then the same individuals and groups who were behind this gain of function research are actually pushing vaccines as the singular answer for each one of these health ‘crises.’ ”
- Dr. Peter McCullough
Gain of function research has produced a few pandemics or potential for pandemics, with more in the development pipeline. Briefly discussed below are a few representative examples:
Avian (Bird) Flu
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) strains causing AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) were developed in labs and released - whether intentionally or accidentally is unclear.
The ‘official’ but false narrative is that HIV sprung up in chimpanzees on its own a century ago, and was eventually transmitted to humans. Various strains/variants of HIV followed (as is true of nearly all viruses whether occurring naturally or manufactured in labs).
The proposition that HIV was created in a lab is considered ‘ludicrous’ and ‘tinfoil hat conspiracy theory’ by the medical establishment and mainstream news media. If you Google the question was HIV manufactured in a lab, hundreds of links pop up that dispute and attempt to debunk the gain-of-function history of HIV.
But this is yet another ‘conspiracy theory’ that is actually true.
“On June 5th 1981, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported a cluster of cases of pneumocysitis pneumonia, a very rare condition, in 5 gay men in Los Angeles. This was the discovery of a new disease that would be called AIDS.
“But the 30-year story [now 43-year story] of HIV and AIDS is severely truncated. The story typically starts from the first diagnosis of HIV but ignores where, when and how the virus originated. Theories propagated in 1980s by western scientists about the African origin of HIV and AIDS through eating monkeys and chimpanzees became increasingly ridiculous, untenable and laughable, and were quietly discarded. It was a scientific fraud.
“HIV never existed before 1978, when HIV was manufactured in a lab in the USA. The origin of HIV is associated with a programme in the US called the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) which started in 1964 for the ‘development, production, seeding and deployment of animal cancer and immune-suppressant viruses.’
“A major activity of this programme was to create mutant viruses by breaking pieces from different viruses and recombining these to create new viruses. The viruses were grown or cultured in human cells, thus making them specific to humans. By 1974 an HIV like virus had been created and consisted of 24% Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) and 33% Bovine Visna Virus (BVV). In 1985 Science Magazine published an electronic picture of HIV and found that a good part of it was indistinguishable from BVV. Further genetic engineering experiments involved Herpes virus and retroviruses. In 1973, a Danish pathologist, J. Clemmensen, warned at a conference that genetically altered viral agents could cause a global epidemic if they ever left the lab.”
- Dr. Sam A. Okunonzi
It took over four years for all the accurate data to come to light - painfully, piece by piece - but the true origins, facts and science surrounding Covid-19 have been fully exposed.
SARS-CoV-2 was developed and manufactured through a joint operation between the United States and China. The key players involved include
Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
Dr. Anthony Fauci at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
Wuhan Institute of Virology in China
Dr. Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance
There are other players as well, but these appear to be the major players most responsible.
Covid-19 did NOT spontaneously arise in nature - from bats or any other natural source - as has been falsely reported by Fauci, the W.H.O., news media and by dozens of other corrupted doctors. Covid-19 was manufactured.
Here are several articles and videos that give extensive details about the origins of Covid-19:
Full text: Coronavirus Research Conducted by Dr. Ralph Baric's Team at University of North Carolina
Dr. ‘Coronavirus Hunter’ Ralph Baric: Preparing Us for a Pandemic? Or Putting Us in Peril of One?
Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex Rolled Out COVID-19, Monkeypox, Bird Flu in Rapid Succession
Dr. David Martin Reveals the Creation of the Covid Virus, Who Was Involved
Engineering COVID-19 At Fort Detrick & UNC Chapel Hill
U.S. D.O.D issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was known to exist
Hiding in Plain Sight. The lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 was published in 2015
Avian (Bird) Flu - H5N1
All signs indicate that bird or avian flu - H5N1 and its manufactured variants - is intentionally being ‘enhanced’ and ‘weaponized’ in labs.
“The current variant of Bird Flu appears to be a product of human agency, including mass vaccination of poultry with leaky vaccines and possible genetic manipulation in US and Chinese government funded laboratories.
“In [these] videos, we examine the grounds for suspecting that this threat may be grossly exaggerated and distorted to justify selling vast quantities of bird flu tests and vaccines to the governments of the world.
“We also examine the wild card of Gain-of-Function experiments on H5N1 being performed in labs all over the world, and their potential threat to human health.
“Fear-mongering promulgated by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex is designed to promote mass vaccination of animals and humans with lucrative pre-purchased contracts to the vaccine manufacturers and their NGO backers. Mass vaccination into a highly prevalent pandemic since it promotes resistant strains of the virus in the vaccinated.
“If human-to-human spread occurs in the future as expected by many, it will be the product of gain-of-function research that has gone on for years with the goal of creating harm to human populations.”
- Dr. Peter McCullough
“Bird flu has been deliberately built up over 20 years as an extremely dangerous threat to humans. It was once a threat, but only to a few chicken farmers. Currently it is no threat at all, and if we were not seeking it out so vigorously, we would probably not even know about it.
“. . . Once upon a time, this virus did kill a small number of people, but less than 500 people worldwide, cumulatively, over more than 20 years. It has never spread person-to-person.
“Let me also say that no nation has reported anyone catching this disease from consuming food: not from milk, meat, chicken or eggs. So why all the fuss?
“The possible reasons for the fuss are what I am afraid of. The authorities may be using this ginned-up animal pandemic for several reasons, none of them good:
To gain greater control over how food can be produced and sold
To reduce the food supply with unnecessary culls
To keep the population fearful
To make synthetic foods more desirable
To push the false notion that pandemics arise at the animal-human interface, and this interface should receive more attention and regulation
To generate support for the One Health approach
“Furthermore, pandemics are good business for the pandemic industry. Especially the vaccine industry.”
- Dr. Meryl Nass
“USDA/China Doing Gain-of-Function Work on H5N1 Bird Flu Since 2021.
“The USDA has been collaborating with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to mutate H5N1 Bird Flu via serial passage through mallard ducks, Chinese geese, and Japanese quail species since April 1, 2021.
“I was especially astonished to see the FDA and Chinese Academy of Sciences are performing serial passage of H5N1 through mallard ducks.
“The mallard is the most abundant, wide-ranging duck on earth and can crossbreed with 63 other species. Mallards are also well-known asymptomatic carriers of bird flu—that is, they carry it around, but are often not sickened by it.
“Thus, the mallard is literally the ideal species for transporting an infectious disease pathogen as wide and far as possible.”
- John Leake
“U.S. Bankrolling Creation of Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains
“Under the guise of creating bird flu vaccines, U.S. government agencies and private funders like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are bankrolling gain-of-function research to make bird flu viruses more lethal and transmissible among mammals.
“U.S. health officials only recently admitted to funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China — but for decades, the U.S. government has funded the same type of dangerous research on bird flu in the U.S.
“And that research continues today.”
Monkeypox (Mpox)
“Mpox, previously called Monkeypox, is caused by a virus thought to normally infect African rodents such as rats and squirrels. It fairly frequently passes to, and between, humans. In humans, its effects range from very mild illness to fever and muscle pains to severe illness with its characteristic skin rash, and sometimes death.”
“What’s Really Happening with Mpox? While Mpox is concentrated in Africa, the effects of corrupted public health are global. Bird flu will likely follow the same course as Mpox in the near future. The army of researchers paid to find more outbreaks will do so. While the risk from pandemics is not significantly different than decades ago, there is an industry dependent on making you think otherwise.”
- Dr. David Bell
Mpox isn’t a serious disease - at least not in its natural states. A few hundred people die from Mpox each year, mostly in African nations such as Congo - and most of those have other severe co-morbidities contributing to death. (By comparison, 400,000-600,000 people die from malaria every year. Yet malaria isn’t considered a pandemic, nor is it given much attention by governments and the news media. One has to wonder why so much more attention is now given to mpox.)
Tecovirimat successfully treats mpox. No need for fear porn or ineffective and unsafe ‘vaccines.’
Gain of function research is being conducted on mpox - just as was done with HIV, Covid and Avian Flu.
“WHO's $Moneypox narrative today: Not a single death yet outside Congo.
“I told you, if you want to make up deaths, Congo is probably the easiest place in the world to get away with it. WHO is giving out TPOXX though NIH says it does not work against Congo’s $moneypox.
“A nothing-burger disease must get super expensive drug and vaccines, because because because because because . . .”
- Dr. Meryl Nass
“How much is a little $moneypox worth? I also dissect the CDC/NEJM scam supporting the Jynneos vaccine's efficacy.
“If you can circumvent lawsuits for injuries (since we already know it causes myocarditis) it is worth a lot more.”
- Dr. Meryl Nass
“Gain-of-Function Mutation Discovered in Monkeypox Virus
“President Biden and HHS Secretary Becerra declared a US Monkeypox Public Health Emergency in 2022 and let the declaration expire early in 2023. The crisis conjured up little fear for the average American as it was learned that the infection was largely a pustular rash that occurred with intense sexual contact among gay/bisexual men with the skin blisters around the anus and buttocks or mouth. The CDC controlled PCR testing, the primary drug tecovirimat, and the Bavarian Nordic Jynneos vaccine. As of January 10, 2024, CDC stopped updating Monkeypox data because of low-level transmission of the clade 2 subtype in the U.S that resulted in 32,063 cases and 58 deaths largely among men with advanced HIV disease.
“A report by Kannan et al, indicated that what happened in 2022 almost certainly occurred because of a gain-of-function mutation in one or more genes within the Monkeypox virus.”
- Dr. Peter McCullough
“In May 2022, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared monkeypox, now called mpox, a PHEIC despite the majority of the expert panel advising against it. This decision raised concerns about Tedros’s objectivity and possible external influences.
“At the time there are also suspicions about Tedros’s motives, especially given the upcoming Pandemic Treaty vote. Some experts believed that the necessary tools are available to control monkeypox and that the mortality rate is low, questioning the need for a public health emergency of international concern (“PHEIC”).
“Additionally, there are concerns about fearmongering and an orchestrated perception of a pandemic. Furthermore, a tabletop exercise in March 2021 involving global leaders and experts discussed combating a bioterror monkeypox threat scheduled to commence in May 2022, at the very time Tedros declared mpox to be a PHEIC.”
“Towards A Worldwide Monkeypox Pandemic? Big Money behind Fake Science. When the Lie Becomes the Truth
“On July 23, 2022, the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus went against the majority vote of the WHO expert committee. The committee was AGAINST the calling of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
“ ‘We have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly through new modes of transmission,’ Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing in Geneva on July 23, 2022.
“ ‘I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern.’
“With Bill Gates in the background, the evidence was scanty, the motivation was ‘Moneypox.’ The unspoken objective was to sustain the fear campaign.”
- Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
“MPox/Monkeypox: Summer 2024 Update - Documented Truth versus Disaster Cronyism.
“So here we go again. On August 14, 2024, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has declared a Mpox outbreak to be a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)’ for the second time in two years. This declaration follows the detection of an ongoing MPox Clade 1(b) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - otherwise known as the Congo basin- that has spread to neighboring countries.
Tedros is not a physician or a virologist. He is most definitely a well-connected African political operator of the CCP/Marxist/Bill Gates crony caste. Tedros previously was a senior capo for the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) gangster mafia that ruled Ethiopia from 1991 to 2018.
There is no question that there has been a concerted campaign to raise awareness and promote fear of this virus. In other words, there is no question in my mind that there has been a promoted PR campaign around Clade 1b MPox. And this propaganda campaign has followed the classical psychological bioterrorism script described by former Soviet-Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) intelligence officer Dr. Alexander Kouzminov.”
- Dr. Robert Malone
“After Covid, monkeypox: the same circus again?
“All the frameworks that we saw during the Covid crisis seem to be in the process of being reinstalled at record speed: the fear-mongering, the propaganda, the vaccine-centric response.”
- Laurent Mucchielli, research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
“Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection”
“Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?
“You may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. How? It has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.”
“In order to expose and discredit a big lie that has persisted for such a long time, sometimes a ‘smoking gun’ is needed – that is, a piece of clear and obvious evidence that the long-held premise is false. In the case of the big lie surrounding gain-of-function research and the pandemic preparedness industry, monkeypox serves the role of smoking gun.
“Monkeypox virus is back in the news in 2024, as one of the pandemic industrial complex’s leading candidates for the so-called ‘Disease X’ about which the World Health Organization has been sounding its relentless alarm. (Of course, this is the second time monkeypox has been trotted out in recent years, after the 2022 monkeypox fear porn campaign in the United States that ultimately fizzled out.)
“Once one gains a thorough understanding of both the monkeypox virus’s peculiar history in the US, as well as the natural characteristics of the virus, one can easily see through the grand deception – the big lie – that is used to justify gain-of-function research and the entire “pandemic preparedness” industry.”
Successful Treatments
There are inexpensive, effective and successful treatments for viruses such as covid, bird flu and mpox - especially if these viruses are treated early on. There is no need for fear nor fraudulent ‘vaccines’ that have proven ineffective and more deadly than viruses.
But there is little profit in established and effective treatments. So Pharma, the Rockefeller Foundation, Fauci, CDC, FDA and other corrupt agencies falsely discredit such treatments as HCQ, ivermectin, steroids, and others. They would rather have thousands or even millions of people die in order to pave the way for highly profitable but unsafe products falsely marketed as ‘vaccines.’
“COVID-19, no matter what variant, is easily treatable at home. About 85% of hospitalizations and deaths are completely avoidable with early treatment. The only way people end-up in the hospital and have a miserable time is when they receive no treatment. Anybody with common sense should understand that it’s easy to treat the illness when it’s early and the symptoms are mild. It becomes progressively worse as people progress in the disease.”
- Dr. Peter McCullough
Tens of thousands of treating physicians all over the world agree with Dr. McCullough. And his statements apply equally to bird flu and mpox.
Weaponizing Fear
Fear is a weapon that has been used by global ‘elites’ and governments throughout history to push agendas that benefit only them while harming all others. This applies to pandemics as well.
The combination of (1) manufacturing pandemics through gain of function development and (2) falsely inflating the dangers of viruses and diseases, has created a multi-trillion-dollar pandemic industry that benefits only 1-2% of the population while causing harm to everyone else.
“Covid Testing - The Trillion-Dollar Fraud. Case Definitions Were Redefined and Falsely Inflated”
Dear Keihatsu,
What do you think of the Ivermectin-gate scandal?!
See, e.g.
It came to my attention, only yesterday and it is very worrying if Ivermectin is another ploy of the Big Pharma to further attack humanity.
I hope you could delve into this topic and I'm sure it will add to your work what you've done so far to spread awareness about the corruption of this whole "vaccine" /medical industrial complex.
Thank you!