United Nations, A Tool for Global Feudalism
Covert Intentions Behind UN Agenda 2030 and the Quadripartite
The United Nations was established in 1945 with good intentions as an organization to create and promote international peace and cooperation. After two deadly world wars, the second of which caused untold ruin and death throughout Europe and Asia, the world was ready for a little peace.
But like most government and quasi-government agencies, the UN has been corrupted and subverted by global oligarchs and their operatives in governments, finance and industry to push global agendas that benefit only those global oligarchs and their operatives at the expense of the world’s remaining 8 billion peasants.
“In this revealing and insightful interview, former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu describes the process of infiltration and global takeover of the United Nations by oligarchs, [as well as] Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
“He outlines the power structures of the UN, its covert manipulation, exploitation and enslavement of people around the world, and reveals the sobering reality of a once benevolent organization.
“Călin Georgescu tells the story of his own tipping-point, of turning his back on the destructive agenda of the oligarchs.”
UN Agenda 21/2030
According to the UN website, “Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of Principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.”
Agenda 21 was ‘upgraded’ to Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations members in 2015. Agenda 2030 is Agenda 21 on steroids. It created 17 world Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). According to the UN, they were created “with the aim of peace and prosperity for people and the planet.”
The short titles of the 17 SDGs are: No poverty (SDG 1), Zero hunger (SDG 2), Good health and well-being (SDG 3), Quality education (SDG 4), Gender equality (SDG 5), Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), Reduced inequalities (SDG 10), Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), Climate action (SDG 13), Life below water (SDG 14), Life on land (SDG 15), Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16), and Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17).
What rational person could possibly be against such lofty, noble, beneficial, planet-saving goals! After all, these goals would greatly improve quality of life for all humanity, right?
History has taught us many things. One of them is that all too often, the most corrupt and fraudulent agendas are falsely wrapped and presented as the loftiest, noblest and most wonderful-sounding goals.
The truth and reality are the opposite of what the UN portrays. Agenda 2030’s true goals are (1) to dictate the world’s economy, (2) generate invasions of Western nations by tens of millions of illegals (euphemistically called “migration”), (3) place the entire world’s population under digital ID and digital currency controls, (4) seize control of global agriculture, food, water and energy, (5) push fraudulent climate programs that yield even more financial and political power to oligarchs and their operatives while accomplishing nothing of value for the planet and its 8 billion inhabitants, (6) conduct global censorship and disinformation campaigns - all for the benefit of themselves and their global oligarch masters.
The UN aims to dictate every aspect of the lives of 8 billion people on the planet - as well as regulate entire nations. The UN - in accordance with the plans and intentions of their global oligarch masters - are working to eliminate nations’ sovereignties, as well as true diversity, religions, cultures and national traditions.
Rosa Koire exposed the true, hidden goals of Agenda 21, which are even worse in Agenda 2030.
Here’s another good description:
“What EXACTLY is Agenda 21? Go on a deep dive with Sandy Adams about the plans for humanity and the planet that started in 1992 with the Earth Summit.”
“War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable ‘Sustainable”
“Over the past weeks a coordinated all-out assault on our agriculture—the ability to produce food for human existence—has begun. The recent G20 governmental meeting in Bali, the UN Agenda 2030 Cop27 meeting in Egypt, the Davos World Economic Forum and Bill Gates are all complicit. Typically, they are using dystopian linguistic framing to give the illusion they are up to good when they are actually advancing an agenda that will lead to famine and death for hundreds of millions not billions if allowed to proceed. It’s driven by a coalition of money.”
- . William Engdahl
“The United Nations claims that they ‘own the science.’ For this reason, they have partnered with the Big Tech platforms to manipulate search results, and they are pouring vast quantities of money into globalist media outlets to ensure their version of ‘the science’ is the one that we get to read.
“The measures of the UN, acting with its strategic partner the WEF, to stifle free speech have created a dangerous situation for our country and the world. The United Nations is engaging in psyops operations, on information control on all of us. This is beyond anything we all could have imagined ten years ago. We all used to joke about 1984; now it just seems like a cliche.”
- Dr. Robert Malone
“The U.N. ultimately wants to get rid of private land ownership. We see this all over the world. A war is taking place against farmers and ranchers, especially those who are independent or those who are not part of the system. They want to remove small farmers, even medium farmers, from their land, and they want to bring it all under the control of these - I think there's no other term to describe it - fascistic public-private partnerships.”
- Alex Newman
“The U.N. & World Economic Forum are using each other to implement ‘Agenda 2030’ & ‘The Great Reset’ ”
Here is a very well-done, comprehensive and on-target documentary covering the UN Agenda 203 and their global oligarch masters behind these schemes. It’s long (2-1/2 hours), but the data and information is accurate and valuable to know.
“UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of Totalitarian Nightmare.
“With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations this month launched its ’50-in-5- campaign to promote and accelerate the development of a global digital public infrastructure. One critic called the campaign a totalitarian nightmare designed to onboard small countries with “digital ID, digital wallets, digital lawmaking, digital voting and more.”
Climate Change ‘Crisis’
A significant portion of Agenda 2030 involves the entire climate change narrative and agenda. Simply stated, there is NO climate crisis. The UN claim that “97% of scientists agree there is a climate change crisis” is not only false, it’s a deliberate fabrication to push this false narrative.
The reality is that the majority of legitimate climate scientists show there is no such crisis, and certainly not one caused by humans or CO2 or ‘cow farts’ (an actual claim made by climate alarmists).
Migration Or Invasion
Are the borders in the US, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Canada and other western nations wide open intentionally? YES!
Have 15-20 million illegals invaded the US since the Biden regime took office? YES! (‘Official’ government reports knowingly underestimate these numbers to hide the full extent of the situation.)
Conspiracy theory? Not according to the UN, WEF (World Economic Forum) and U.S. State Department.
The UN has its International Organization for Migration (IOM). The purpose and intention of this agency is to push invasions into selected western nations.
That’s not the way the UN words this mission statement, of course. For propaganda and PR purposes, they euphemistically call this invasion ‘migration.’
In a paper by the IOM, titled ‘Migration, Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda,’ a clear plan for mass migration of people is presented. The report begins by stating, “The 2030 Agenda recognizes migration as a core development consideration, which marks the first time migration is integrated explicitly into the global development agenda. It is possible to link migration to every goal in the 2030 Agenda.”
The report refers to migrant men women and children as ‘agents of development’. The report states, “We should not focus efforts on trying to stop migration. Facilitating, not restricting migration, is the priority.”
It’s clear that illegal immigration is being facilitated and encouraged. For example, UNICEF hands out care packages at Panamanian migration camps, encouraging the migrants to continue on their journey into the U.S.
“This documentary is about how the US State Dept has been working hand in hand with the UN's International Organization for Migration (IOM) and George Soros' Open Borders Society . . . to help flood America with tens of millions of illegal aliens.”
“The Hidden Agenda Behind Mass Migration In The Western World. We are being invaded.” - Dr. Chris Martenson
A former Panama Border Chief, Oriel Ortega, states that the UN is hehind the chaos at U.S.–Mexico border
“Panama’s former SENAFRONT director says the U.N. and its nonprofit partners made mass migration worse when they moved into his country.
“Oriel Ortega, now a security and defense consultant to Panamanian President Laurentino Cortizo, said during a Feb. 22 interview that he saw a jump in migration in 2016, at the same time that more nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) moved into Panama.
“That increase corresponded with the U.N.’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration meeting in 2016. Two years later, 152 nations - including Panama - voted in favor of the compact to manage global migration. The United States voted against it.
“But under the U.N., the migration process has been anything but orderly, Mr. Ortega said. “It’s completely opposite right now,” he said.
“Documents show that in 2023, a record 500,000 migrants traveled through the dense jungle known as the Darien Gap from Colombia into Panama. Migrants from around the world are flying into South and Central America to start their journey because countries such as Suriname and Ecuador don’t require a visa to enter. Their final destination is the United States.”
“This investigation proves that the collapse of the United States southern border is the result of deliberate planning by government and non-government entities. This story takes place inside the Darian Gap, the artery connecting North and South America, where the mass migration pipeline to the United States begins.”
Here is an excellent article from Epoch Times that gives sourced and corroborated information about the invasion of the US:
‘Weaponized Migration,’ a Coordinated Effort Playing Out Deep in the Panama Jungle
“Mass illegal immigration is being used to destroy the United States politically, culturally, economically, and even geographically. So yes, it’s 100% a communist program to bring this country to its knees. The repercussions from weaponized illegal immigration have already rippled across the U.S. landscape. These people are being used to turn America into what they’ve fled - or even worse.” - Trevor Loudon
“Mass migration is being ‘weaponized’ to overwhelm and destabilize the United States and ultimately break it apart. Hostile countries are using illegal immigration to establish networks of communist saboteurs within U.S. border states to further erode U.S. sovereignty.” - Joseph Humire, executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society.
“The federal government is colluding with other nations to eradicate the sovereignty of not just the state, but the sovereignty of the individual and the Constitution itself.” . . . “China is also hurting the United States through the destructive importation of fentanyl. They’ve weaponized the Mexican cartels to enact drug warfare, the same drug warfare that was done to them during the Opium Wars.” - Ammon Blair U.S. Border Patrol agent (The Opium Wars broke out between the United Kingdom and China in the 1800s after China tried to stop the importation of the drug because of widespread addiction.)
“The number of illegal immigrants entering the United States has surged under the Biden administration as policies from the Trump era have been reversed or eliminated.
“The numbers also correspond with President Joe Biden’s renewed pledge to support the U.N.’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration - a 2018 plan to manage global migration.”
“How the US and UN Are Funding the Border Crisis.
“The Biden administration gave the UN migration agency nearly $1.3 billion in 2023, which it uses to help migrants on their journey to enter the US illegally.”
Here is an interesting angle from Tucker Carlson, an angle corroborated by other independent journalists and sources:
“Mass immigration is completely destroying our country. Why is no one doing anything about it?” - Tucker Carlson
These intentional invasions of illegals weaken and dilute nations, making it easier to assimilate them into the global oligarchs-controlled ‘new world order’ or ‘great reset.’ I call it modern-day global feudalism, with the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, France, New Zealand and other nations as vassal states.
And in the U.S., illegals give Democrats millions of illegal votes now (states such as CA, NY, MN, IL, AZ, OR and WA allow illegals to vote), and tens of millions of ‘legal’ votes in years to come.
UN Quadripartite and One Health
Four UN organizations (named the ‘Quadripartite’) manufactured a global, all-inclusive One Health program that mirrors UN Agenda 2030 to a large degree.
The WHO is the primary organization managing One Health. So what is One Health? Here is the ‘official’ description from the One Health Commission:
“One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent.
“The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development."
“The ambition of The Lancet One Health Commission is to generate insight into the interconnected nature of health among humans, animals, plants, and the wider environment, and to galvanize transformations in global governance, economics, and knowledge to ensure equitable, sustainable, and healthy socioecological systems in the 21st century and beyond.”
Again, just like the high-sounding words the UN uses to describe its Agendas 21 and 2030, the description of One Health above sounds so wonderful, logical and scientific. But just as Agenda 2030 is a covert plan for global control, so is One Health one more tool to establish one-world governance and control - using ‘health of the planet, people and all life’ as its gaslighting justification.
“U.N. declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR)”
“According to the WHO, it ‘presents an opportunity. . . to prevent and prepare for pandemics and their consequences, using an approach that involves all government sectors.’
The WHO also said the PPPR aims to ‘apply lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic’ and ‘comes as the world faces multiple humanitarian and climate-related crises which are threatening lives and livelihoods around the world.’
“This is a full-court press to have the entirety of the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies and its affiliated organizations, back up and support their proposed globalist WHO worldwide totalitarian medical and scientific police state.”
“The declaration calls for:
Universal Vaccination
Makes “temporary” COVID-19 powers permanent
Calls for increased surveillance and digital health documents, such as vaccine passports
Give the WHO dictatorial power over nations who have signed don to these agreements”
- Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., bioweapons expert and professor of international law
“The WHO One Health agenda is a precursor to world government”
“One Health: A Plan to Surveil and Control Every Aspect of Life on Earth?”
“Experts suggested One Health has more to do with a biosecurity agenda, a global surveillance system, vaccine passports and restrictions on human behavior than it has to do with protecting human health.”
“The core concept of One Health is noble, but along the way, it was hijacked by powerful entities seeking to instrumentalize it for their own ends.”
“One Health is also a funding stream for collecting viruses for GOF research. And USAID is a big funder; isn't USAID another name for CIA? Isn't Gain of Function another name for Germ Warfare?”
- Dr. Meryl Nass
“One Health has an earlier pedigree than I knew. The false narratives emanating from One Health had already been created by 2004, and one author of this drivel now works at EcoHealth Alliance. They had all the mumbo-jumbo and the concept of how to use One Health down 20 years ago.”
- Dr. Meryl Nass
“One Health is a Massive Globalist Grant-making Scam”
“The idea of a holistic concept of health – that our environment influences our well-being – is far older than written history. “One Health,” a modern term for this holistic approach to health, is therefore old news. However, just as planes are hijacked for politics or profit, One Health has been hijacked by self-proclaimed philanthropists.
“This hijacked and corrupted version of One Health is designed to use fear to control us and justify our restriction, impoverishment and death.”
- Dr. David Bell
World Health Organization (WHO)
The WHO is a specialized organization under the UN. Unlike the UN, which was formed out of good intentions and purpose, the WHO was born out of corruption for corrupt purposes, and has been corrupt ever since.
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”
- First Director-General of the WHO, Brock Chisholm
The current Director-General of the WHO is an Ethiopian war criminal, Tedros Ghebreyesus, hand-picked and supported by the both the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Bill Gates.
“Exposing WHO Chief Dr. Tedros: Militant Marxist”
In addition to One Health, the WHO is in the late stage of developing (1) a global pandemic treaty and (2) revisions to existing International Health Regulations (IHR), both of which give the WHO dictatorial power over all member nations any time Tedros Ghebreyesus unilaterally declares any ‘health emergency’ - real or fabricated.
“The largest, most comprehensive global communist power grab ever seen is occurring as we speak, and most people have no idea that it is even happening.
“This is not a traditional communist revolution as we have all been well trained to spot, but rather a sophisticated global, binding medical ‘treaty’ orchestrated by the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) which will leave any participating member states essentially POWERLESS in the event of a proclaimed ‘pandemic.’
“This is not hyperbole or exaggeration. And every man, woman and child on this planet's lives will be irrevocably changed for the worse on May 24, 2024 if it is not stopped.”
- Global Health Project
Global Health Project is correct, and this is not hyperbole. What they state is true.
This report - WHO Plans to Seize Dictatorial Power - provides all the details and links that show these instruments are nothing but a global power grab by the WHO.
“Urgent pandemic messaging of WHO, World Bank, and G20 is inconsistent with their evidence base.
“When international agencies make claims of an “existential threat” to humanity and advocate for urgent action from countries, it should be a safe assumption that they are consistent with their own data. However, a review of the data and evidentiary citations underlying the claims of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, and the Group of Twenty (G20) reveals a troubling picture in which the stated urgency and burden of infectious disease outbreaks, namely those of pandemic threat, is grossly misrepresented. These discrepancies in key documents and subsequent recitations in pandemic preparedness proposals have significant policy and financial implications.”
Censorship and Suppression of Truth and Science
“We own the science and think the world should know it”
“We are in a misinformation and disinformation war.”
– UN Official Melissa Fleming
She’s right, we ARE in a disinformation war. Yet the UN and WHO are two of the worst manufacturers and spreaders of disinformation on the planet, done intentionally to gaslight people into buying into the harmful agendas described in this article.
Massive censorship and disinformation campaigns are being conducted by the UN, WHO, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Pharma and other global powers - who are all in bed together.
This is fantastic! I've seen a couple of Rosa Koire's videos, but not this one. It's great. She's actually from this North Bay area. People didn't listen to Koire at first (the CIA tried to dead-agent her with a "conspiracty theory" ruse at first), but now they do. I'll be sharing your excellent report with my groups. Thank you.
clubof rome manisthe problem.polution. taking resouceson a finiteplanet