What does lockstep mean?
- marching in step by a group of people going one after another as closely as possible
- a standard method or procedure that is mindlessly adhered to or that minimizes individuality
- in perfect or rigid, often mindless conformity or unison
This is what lockstep looks like:
And this:
These definitions and images come to mind when I observe how the major Western nations (U.S., Canada, UK, most of Europe, Australia and New Zealand) have reacted to such narratives and issues as the covid pandemic, vaccines, climate change, censorship and disinformation, transsexuals, gender identity, Russia-Ukraine conflict and groupthink ‘political correctness’ in general.
ALL the governments of these nations, ALL mainstream news media, nearly all of the entertainment industry, nearly all large corporations, ALL global and central banks (including the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Bank of International Settlements) and the vast majority of universities sing the exact same tunes when it comes to ‘official’ narratives.
It’s impossible for such perfect, in-unison lockstep agreement and coordination to occur on its own, or coincidentally, or naturally.
Or ‘because the official narratives are correctly, accurately and scientifically stated.’ (Excuse me while I vomit.)
Mentally step away from Earth, and imagine yourself a few hundred miles above our planet observing all the activity occurring. Just imagine dozens of governments, the entire mainstream news media around the world, most large corporations, the entertainment industry and all global banks achieving such uniform agreement and cooperation. That cannot happen, unless someone is pulling the strings, directing the entire operation and working hard to get all of the above groups, industries and governments aligned in perfect lockstep conformity.
I compare this to an orchestra.
The orchestra conductor takes a group of diverse people with different backgrounds, temperaments, personalities, character, education, families, intelligence, goals, fears, dreams and problems, and takes several different musical instruments, and molds all these into a unified, cohesive, coordinated team all playing from the same page, all playing the same music, all playing the way the conductor decides they are to play, all together producing a single musical outcome.
In a similar manner, there MUST be a conductor of the above narratives, in order to get governments, the news media, corporations, entertainment industry, universities and global banks to be in such perfect lockstep, all singing the same tunes.
So who is the conductor?
The Global Conductor
The conductor is actually a group of individuals with immense wealth and political power loosely allied to achieve their common goal of control of earth’s resources and populations. I call them global oligarchs.
There are only around 30-40 of these individuals, but they direct another 8,000-9,000 individuals who hold key positions in governments, international finance, banking, industry, medical, science and research. I call these global oligarch operatives; they have allowed themselves to be corrupted by global oligarchs in exchange for lots of money, power and job security.
Global oligarchs and their operatives form a globalist cartel.
This cartel controls around 85% of the total wealth and resources of the planet. This immense financial control gives them equally immense political power, and they use their financial and political power to get their own agendas pushed through societies and nations.
Global oligarchs are the orchestra conductors, and their operatives are the musicians. The vast majority of the remaining population are part of a ‘captive audience,’ listening to and accepting whatever tunes are being played. (There are dissidents, of course, who do their best to expose and oppose global oligarch and operative agendas, and who refuse to be part of the ‘audience.’)
Global Agendas
What music do these global orchestra conductors play? Their music consists of ‘agendas,’ chief of which are listed here:
Dire warnings of deadly pandemics (covid included), to include UN and WHO Pandemic Preparedness and Response mechanisms
UN Agenda 2030
WHO One Health initiative and Pandemic Treaties
Climate change crisis (part of Agenda 2030 and One Health)
Protecting people against harmful mis- and disinformation (censorship and ‘content moderation’)
Food and energy control
Global Digital ID
Digital Currencies/CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)
Migration (part of Agenda 2030)
Global oligarchs and operatives paint these narratives and agendas with glowing, lofty, beneficial, scientific, planet-saving, humanity-improving descriptions and goals. Unfortunately, the truth is the exact opposite. ‘Official’ descriptions of these agendas are themselves disinformation and gaslighting propaganda. They are harmful to one degree or another to 99.8% of the earth’s population.
Covid, while real, was falsely inflated by 20X - intentionally - to create enough fear and panic that people would meekly comply with all government restrictions, lockdowns and vaccine campaigns - measures that caused more illness and death than the virus. Covid is a political and financial operation more than a ‘deadly pandemic.’
UN Agenda 2030 is nothing more than a grand scheme to seize more and more control of the earth’s wealth, resources and populations. This report provides all the details.
WHO One Health initiative and Pandemic Treaties are power-grab instruments enabling the WHO to seize global dictatorial power over nations and populations anytime the WHO arbitrarily declares a ‘health threat or emergency.’ This report gives all the details. (The report above under UN Agenda 2030 also gives additional details about One Health.)
Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR) protocols sound wonderful, scientific and logical in theory. The hidden catch is that pandemics are being manufactured in labs, to be rolled out as self-fulfilling prophecies, which in turn allow the global command and control mechanisms installed by Agenda 2030 and One Health to engage. For example, as stated above the entire covid ‘pandemic’ was falsely inflated for political and financial purposes. Also, for the past two years we have been warned that “Disease X,” the next pandemic, is coming. H5N1, the bird flu, is likely to be ‘Disease X.’ H5N1 is being weaponized in U.S. labs right now (see here, here and here), and mRNA products (more deadly ‘vaccines’) have already been developed for this lab-enhanced virus.
Climate change crisis is a massive, fraudulent scam, again for political and financial power - nothing to do with ‘saving the planet.’ This report provides studies from genuine climate scientists proving there is no climate change crisis - much less one caused by humans (or ‘cow farts’ as many climate alarmists claim).
Protecting people against harmful mis- and disinformation. This is laughable and an excellent example of the law of human nature that ‘criminals and corrupt individuals accuse others of the crimes and corruption they themselves commit.’ The worst spreaders of disinformation are global oligarchs and their operatives; and they are the ones who howl and scream the loudest about ‘disinformation’ (which they define as anything they don’t like and which opposes their agendas), and gnash their teeth like rabid animals against anyone who exposes their true agendas. See here, here, here and here for the unvarnished truth.
Food and energy control. Food and energy are being artificially restricted to generate shortages, forcing nations and people to purchase energy and lab-manufactured, GMO and insect-based ‘food’ from companies owned by global oligarchs and their operatives.
Global Digital ID is pure control and restriction of populations. See here, here, here, here, here and here.
Digital Currencies/CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). “CBDCs enable all sorts of horrible, totalitarian things. They allow governments to track and control every penny you earn, save, and spend. They are a powerful tool for politicians to confiscate and redistribute wealth as they see fit. CBDCs will enable devious social engineering by allowing governments to punish and reward people in ways they previously couldn’t.” - Nick Giambruno. See reports here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Global oligarchs and their operatives - with their vast wealth and resources - have been able to corrupt and subvert thousands of key politicians, world ‘leaders,’ government agency officials, doctors, scientists, CEOs and other influential individuals to do their bidding. These corrupted people are given status, position, power and lots of money in exchange for being tools and puppets of global oligarchs and helping them carry out their agendas.
The governments of the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and most nations of Europe have been corrupted in this way. Past and present ‘leaders’ such as Kissinger, H. Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris, Newsom, G.H.W. Bush and G.W. Bush, Trudeau, Freeland, Sunak, Rutte, Ardern, Hipkins, Scholz, Macron, Merkel, Morrison, Andrews, Zelesnksy and da Silva are tools and puppets of globalists, pushing globalist agendas in their nations.
These ‘leaders’ are corrupt traitors to their citizens.
Thank you for your dedication - very well put together, as usual.
Well done, it is another winner. The subject is very well explained, concise, and with related videos and links. I love it and I shared with other groups. Thank you.