Sadly, the world is run more on false narratives, hidden agendas, disinformation campaigns and gaslighting propaganda than it is on rational, straightforward governance and factual, truthful information and data.
False narratives are in fact covert operations - secret plans and agendas - designed to achieve financial and/or political goals for those running the operation, at the expense of everyone else. Such operations involve gaslighting, propaganda, disinformation and censorship to prevent people from finding out what is really being done and by whom, or to mislead people into believing the purpose and goal of the operation is very different than it actually is.
One of the most successful tactics used throughout history to conduct a successful operation is to intentionally and artificially create a threat of danger - by first generating a little real danger, as well as chaos, violence, confusions, upheavals, false rumors, disinformation campaigns and so on, and then manufacturing as much fear, terror and panic as possible about that threat. There can be some real danger, but the perceived threat is falsely inflated and greatly exaggerated, deliberately.
Why is this a successful tactic?
It has been known for thousands of years that danger, chaos, confusions and threats to life cause people high stress, anxiety, fear, uncertainty and confusion, which in turn cause them to blindly and reactively grab onto any ‘solution’ or ‘protection’ offered - no matter how corrupt or unscientific or harmful the solution is.
So those who want to accomplish a goal that they don’t want known publicly, will create a threat or artificial danger, get people fearful enough, and then sell a bogus ‘solution’ to that threat or danger. Selling this ‘solution’ then achieves the desired goal and outcome of the conductors of the operation: generating lots of money and/or political power.
The greater the perceived threat and danger, and the greater the fear and panic that can be generated by those running the operation, the more ‘solution’ these operators can sell - resulting in more money and power for them.
If you make people fearful enough, they’ll believe almost anything and give up their money, freedoms and even their rationality to avoid or be ‘protected from’ the danger. They’ll buy nearly any solution that is presented to them, as long as it’s presented in a professional-sounding, beautifully-presented manner as THE solution that works.
The catch is that such ‘solutions’ are more harmful than beneficial. Most or all of the benefit goes to those running the operation.
In today’s world, populations are being lied to every minute of every day, and 75-80% believe the lies as gospel truth with no independent research or critical analysis of their own - either out of fear, lack of knowledge, apathy or being too wrapped up in the own lives.
Maximilien Robespierre: “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”
Benjamin Franklin: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
Thomas Payne: “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.”
C.S. Lewis: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”
So true! This is why governments and powerful, influential individuals and organizations devote so much attention and energy to censor anyone with opposing ideas, suppress truthful information and generate their own disinformation campaigns.
Plato: “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
Unfortunately, the majority of people seem completely content with being lied to and led by false narratives.
Gustave Le Bon: “The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
There are several operations - false narratives - running in the world today. Each and every one fits the manufactured threat-danger-fear-solution pattern described above. And each one has negative impacts on nearly every person on the planet, one way or another.
False and Fraudulent Narratives
Covid is real but was falsely inflated by 20X - intentionally - to create enough fear and panic that people would meekly comply with all government mandates and lockdowns - measures that caused more illness and death than the virus. Covid is a political and financial operation more than a ‘deadly pandemic.’
mRNA products masquerading as ‘covid vaccines’ have disabled, injured and killed more people than covid has - and several times more people under 60.
The vast majority of climate scientists state there is NO ‘climate crisis.’ This is an enormous global scam.
“Protecting people against harmful mis- and disinformation” is the big and vicious lie that governments, global oligarchs and their operatives use to justify censorship, suppression of truth and attacks on anyone who exposes corruption and false narratives. Western governments and global ‘powers that be’ are engaging in more and more censorship, suppression of free speech and outright fascism.
Western governments - key politicians and government officials - have been corrupted by ‘global elites,’ and are tools and puppets pushing the agendas of these ‘elites.’
The militant trans-for-kids campaign is filled with depraved, deranged propaganda and grooming of children and teens that ruins lives and causes untold harm and misery.
The borders of many Western nations - the U.S., UK, Germany, Canada, France and other European nations - have been opened wide to a deliberate invasion by illegals. The purpose is to dilute and weaken those nations, making it easier for them to absorb global oligarch agendas.
The entire Russia-Ukraine war narrative spun by U.S. and European politicians and the sycophant news media is pure gaslighting propaganda and false - for corrupt political and financial purposes. Here is the full and true story of this war, to include the historical timeline and chain of events going back over 30 years that led up to Russia's invasion of Donbass.
The description, purposes and goals given on the United Nations website about its Agenda 2030 sound wonderful; they are beautifully crafted mission statements. But the entire UN has been corrupted and subverted by global oligarchs and their operatives to push their agendas, that include the climate change fraud, pandemic operation, invasions of Western nations and the other false narratives.
Like the UN, the publicly-stated purposes and goals of the World Health Organization (WHO) are such that no rational person could disagree. But also like the UN, the WHO is a corrupt organization, owned and operated by global oligarchs such as Bill Gates and the Rockefellers, along with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The WHO is developing global ‘treaties’ and programs enabling them to seize dictatorial power over member nations anytime they arbitrarily declare a ‘health threat.’
For the past two years, we have been warned that “Disease X,” the next pandemic, is coming. Disease X is being planned as this article is written. H5N1, the bird flu, is likely to be ‘Disease X.’ H5N1 is being weaponized in U.S. labs right now (see here, here and here), and mRNA products (more deadly ‘vaccines’) have already been developed for this lab-enhanced virus.
There were nearly 1,000,000 peaceful protestors at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and only a few hundred trouble-makers causing all the violence - many of whom were agents provocateur planted by the FBI and other government agencies. Calling this event an ‘insurrection’ is ludicrous; it was no such thing. See here, here, here, here and here.
“Governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason they love war. Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise NEVER accept. To create institutions and mechanisms for orchestrating and imposing obedience.”
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
RFK, Jr. is completely accurate and right on target. This fits perfectly the threat-danger-fear-solution model described above. And governments have proven his statement over and over.
George Washington: “The freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.”
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: “Sleeping nations either die or wake up as slaves.”
There are many other operations and false narratives ongoing in the world, but the ones listed above are the major ones.
Each of these operations affect everyone on the planet one way or another, whether they are aware of these or not.
The most important point to take away is the tactic used in all such operations: manufacture a threat of danger, generate as much fear, chaos and confusion as possible, then provide the “solution” that is actually the desired end result of those conducting the operation.
Mahatma Gandhi : “Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness.”
Samuel Adams: “It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
Spot on!