Unfortunately, the world is run more on false narratives, hidden agendas, disinformation campaigns and gaslighting propaganda than it is on rational, straightforward governance and factual, truthful science and information. And the world struggles with all sorts of financial, political and military ills and upheavals as a result.
The dictionary definition of narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events; a story. The more common connotation of narrative in today’s world is that of an ‘officially adopted and accepted story behind a specific issue or situation or topic.’
‘Officially adopted and accepted’ have little to do with what’s actually true and factual. ‘Officially adopted and accepted’ have come to be equated with ‘agendas’ - true or false, beneficial or harmful, scientific or propaganda.
A false narrative is actually a covert and control operation disguised as something else, such as a ‘solution to a problem’ or ‘the humanitarian reason for a policy or program’ or ‘goals to improve humanity and life on earth.’ False narratives are designed to achieve financial and political goals for those running the operation - hidden from and at the expense of everyone else.
Such operations involve gaslighting, propaganda, disinformation, misdirection, false accusations against opponents and censorship - all to prevent people from finding out what is really being done and by whom, and/or to mislead people into believing the purpose and goal of the operation is very different than it actually is.
This article presents the major false narratives that are steering most of the world in a harmful direction. But first, a look at the human mechanism that fuels false narratives.
The Threat-Fear-Solution Tactic
One of the most successful tactics used throughout history to conduct a successful covert operation is to intentionally and artificially create a threat of danger.
This could be a non-existent danger falsely presented as real, or there could be a little bit of genuine potential danger involved, but greatly magnified and exaggerated. The real or imagined danger is then falsely inflated through the deliberate introduction of chaos, violence, upheavals, false rumors, corruption, disinformation campaigns and so on.
The idea and intent is to manufacture as much fear, terror and panic as possible about that threat.
Then, when the time is right and the population has been softened up sufficiently, those who are manufacturing the threat will introduce their ‘solution to protect people and keep them safe and secure against this terrible threat.’ Such ‘solutions’ are nothing but sales pitches and gaslighting propaganda designed to sell snake oil to an unsuspecting and fearful population. This ‘sale’ of the ‘solution’ generates lots of money and political power for those selling the snake oil while causing harm to everyone else.
Why is this a successful tactic?
It has been known for thousands of years that danger, chaos and threats to life cause people high stress, anxiety, fear, uncertainty and confusion, which in turn cause them to blindly and reactively grab onto any ‘solution’ or ‘protection’ offered - no matter how wrong or corrupt or unscientific or harmful the solution is.
The greater the perceived threat and danger, and the greater the fear and panic that can be generated by those running the operation, the more ‘solution’ these operators can sell - resulting in more money and power for them.
If you make people fearful enough, they’ll believe almost anything and give up their money, freedoms and even their rationality to be ‘safe and protected from the danger.’ They’ll buy nearly any solution that is presented to them, as long as it’s presented in a professional-sounding, beautifully-presented manner as the ‘best or only solution to this dire threat to life and security.’
Those who want to accomplish a goal that they don’t want known publicly, will create a threat or artificial danger, get people fearful enough, and then sell a bogus ‘solution’ to that threat or danger. Selling this ‘solution’ then achieves the desired goal and outcome of the conductors of the operation - which always involve lots of money and political power for a tiny percentage of the population.
The catch is that such ‘solutions’ are more harmful than beneficial. All of the benefit goes to those running the operation, at the expense of others.
Let’s see how this mechanism has been applied in the world.
False Narratives Exposed
Covid is real but was falsely inflated by 20X - intentionally - to create enough fear and panic that people would meekly comply with all government mandates and lockdowns, while injecting themselves with deadly products falsely presented as ‘vaccines.’
mRNA products masquerading as ‘covid vaccines’ have disabled, injured and killed more people than covid has - and several times more people under 60.
The vast majority of genuine climate scientists state there is NO ‘climate crisis.’ This is an enormous global scam.
Governments are engaging in more and more censorship, and are attacking and falsely discrediting more and more people who speak out against government corruption and lies.
UN Agenda 2030 is presented in wonderful, beneficial, humanity-saving language, but is in actuality a massive operation for political and financial control by global oligarchs and their operatives in governments, banking and private industry.
Food and energy shortages are being artificially manufactured by the global elements described in this article. This is all about political and financial power and control - NOTHING to do with ‘saving the planet’ or ‘providing abundant food and energy.’
The World Health Organization (WHO) is working to seize dictatorial power whenever they declare a ‘pandemic’ or ‘public health threat.’ Their strategy is development and acceptance of a global ‘pandemic treaty’ and a global One Health agenda that mirrors UN Agenda 2030.
The Russia-Ukraine war as presented by Western governments and news media is a massive disinformation campaign. These lies and disinformation are used to justify engagement by the US, UK and other European nations in an illegal proxy war against Russia for reasons that have little to do with Russia invading Donbass.
The militant trans-for-kids campaign is a depraved, barbaric agenda to undermine women and children and weaken society, making it easier to push all these false narratives and global agendas that benefit only a tiny percentage of people.
Borders have been thrown wide open intentionally by governments in Europe, Canada and the US. This is a deliberate invasion to weaken and dilute those nations.
The Four Engines Driving the World
There are four major engines that drive the world’s economic and political machinery - Combined, these four dynamics account for over 90% of the financial flows and political, economic and societal power and influences on the planet.
These four political/financial engines cause far more harm than benefit for most of the 8 billion inhabitants on planet earth. These engines are wrapped in layers of false narratives, censorship, corruption and disinformation.
Censorship and suppression of information and ideas support the other three engines, enabling them to grow and prosper by trying to hide any truths that expose corruption and false narratives on which those engines are built.
False Narratives and Freedom of Speech
False narratives aren’t new; there have been false narratives throughout history, manufactured and used for political and financial purposes.
Maximilien Robespierre: “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”
Thomas Payne: “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.”
C.S. Lewis: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: “Governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason they love war. Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise NEVER accept. To create institutions and mechanisms for orchestrating and imposing obedience.”
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: “Sleeping nations either die or wake up as slaves.”
In today’s world, populations are being lied to every minute of every day, and 75-80% believe the lies as gospel truth with no independent research or critical analysis of their own - either out of fear, naivety, lack of knowledge, apathy or simply being too wrapped up in their own lives to notice.
Plato: “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
The minority of people who try to expose and oppose false narratives and harmful agendas are routinely censored, suppressed, smeared and ‘canceled,’ falsely discredited and even attacked through police and justice powers of the State.
As noted earlier, Western nations are becoming more and more fascist and totalitarian, engaging in ever-worsening censorship and suppression of free speech. Their constitutions have been trashed, citizens’ rights are being trampled. Censorship of truths and suppression of free speech are now the rule, and getting worse by the day.
‘Protecting people from harmful mis- and disinformation’ is the justification governments and other institutions use to censor individuals and suppress information and opinions. This justification is a complete lie and gaslighting propaganda. The real reason censorship is employed is to push false narratives and hide corruption and crimes committed by the authors and purveyors of false narratives.
Benjamin Franklin states the importance of free speech perfectly:
“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”
"Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.”
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
“Republics derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates."
Then there’s this accurate assessment from George Washington:
“For if men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.”
I agree completely with Voltaire, who had the right attitude toward freedom of speech:
“I may disagree with what you have to say, but shall defend, to the death, your right to say it.”
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis offered a profound and accurate point of view:
“It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears.”
Let’s look at the reverse view - what happens if freedom of speech isn’t allowed or is restricted by governments:
“Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” - Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one place to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” - President Harry Truman
The good news is that more and more people are being awakened and enlightened to these false narratives. More and more people are now realizing the massive, deep and wide corruption that has been standard operating procedure within governments and international organizations for decades - corruption fueled by the globalist cartel. More and more people are exposing and opposing false narratives.
Substack, Rumble and Twitter/X under Musk have helped open the floodgates to truth, allowing hundreds of thousands of people to express opinions and publish information that have been banned and censored by governments, mainstream news and social media.
Independent journalists and news agencies are the leading forces in this ‘Great Awakening and Enlightenment.’ There are too many to list here, but just a few of my go-to independents are Epoch Times, Brownstone Institute, Lew Rockwell, Lara Logan, Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Meryl Nass, A Midwestern Doctor, Tom Fitton, Tucker Carlson. There are dozens more.
These statements reflect my own attitude and philosophy regarding false narratives and corrupt governments:
Mahatma Gandhi : “Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness.”
Samuel Adams: “It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
Thucydides: “Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.”
Thomas Jefferson: “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever ANY form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to ABOLISH it and to institute a NEW government. It is their right, it is their DUTY to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security.”
Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
Ronald Reagan: “As long as we remember our first principles, and believe in ourselves, the future will always be ours. We the people tell the government what to do, it doesn’t tell us.”
Winston Churchill: “It is not a choice to fight evil, you must fight evil, for it will either kill you now or kill you later but it will surely kill you!”
Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
Patrick Henry: “The Constitution is not a document for the government to restrain the people. It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.”
Thomas Paine: “It is not in numbers, but in unity, that our great strength lies; yet our present numbers are sufficient to repel the force of all the world.”
Albert Einstein: “The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure. The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
William Faulkner: “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world . . . would do this, it would change the world.”
Martin Luther King, Jr: “We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil.”
Howard Zinn: “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
John Adams: “Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.”
The key question is: How many people will have the courage and integrity to stand against governments and global oligarchs and their false and harmful narratives? How many will refuse to comply with their agendas and mandates?
Kind of like The Hegelian Dialectic sprinkled w/ lies and extremely exaggerated truth.
Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP) on full display